Rogue Trixie

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Why is there always a wall? There are so many days where I look at my wall and think, "Now that's impossible." Every cell in my body is yelling for a puffy Cheeto, a Big Mac, a full-on beer ferchrissakes! I wish I could eat a ribeye and drink a bottle of cabernet without counting points and laughing the whole time.

Newsflash to me, I'm not young anymore. The older we get, the more we have to be conscious of our bodies, if we want to stay slim and seductive, that is. Of course, I see lots of women that are larger and seductive, but for me personally, I want to be able to run far and fast. It's more about me, I think, than what society thinks I should be. Yet at the same time, I'd like to be thin and healthy for me, not for society.

And that's why I threw out the Victoria's Secret catalog with the great deals on bikinis. I'd like to look hot for me, and I'd really like to run 3 miles without sweating. At all.

I wonder, are there women out there who really live life trim and healthy, without having to work at it?


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