Rogue Trixie

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Dragged myself out of bed this of those days where I'm just really dragging. I think it's probably the onset of PMS though, as next week it's that damn TOM. I did manage to slog through a 2.1 mile run on the treadmill and weight training. There's this strategy I'm reading about in the Thin Commandments, called Box It In and Box It Out. Boxing in foods means allowing yourself to indulge in treats only in specific situations. For example, only eating cupcakes at birthday parties. And to not feel guilty about it when you do eat that cupcake. I think I may try that and allow myself one double-cheeseburger from Byron's when TOM comes over. At least I'll have something to look forward to. Boy, wouldn't that change things. Box It Out is a strategy for foods that are super trigger foods that you can't stop eating when you start. For a lot of people, it's cookies, chips, etc. I think for me, it might be white wine. Not any other kind of alcohol, not even sangria. But once I have one glass of white wine, I can't say no to another. *sigh* I may have to just Box that one out too.

Food Diary -
Blueberries, milk, ice, splenda, blender, 2 pts

Egg, 2 pts

Salad and salmon sashimi w/ 1 T sesame ginger dressing, 3 pts
String cheese, 1 pt
Pita chips, 2 pts

Activity Diary -
2.1 miles, weights, 5 pts

We're helping Manish and Neha move this evening, then heading over to the Jewish deli across the street. If I'm good, I just may have some of their mac and cheese!


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